Merging posts on featureOS

Merging posts on featureOS

featureOS offers you the ability to merge one post into another, effectively consolidating similar posts with distinct phrasing. If you've encountered situations where multiple posts convey identical content but differ in wording, the merge post feature simplifies this process for you.

Getting started

  1. Start by accessing your Admin Dashboard.

  2. Choose the post you intend to merge with another.

  3. Locate the Merge icon situated among the icons in the upper right corner.

    Article's image
  4. A search field will appear which you can use to find the post to merge.

  5. Click Merge for the corresponding post.

    Article's image
  6. Preview the impending merge and determine the sequence by clicking the Switch Posts icon in the middle.

  7. Once you've made your decisions, confirm the merge by clicking the Merge button.

    Article's image
  8. Rest assured, you can reverse this action and unmerge the posts if necessary.

    Article's image

Result of merging two posts

  1. The original post will display a link to the newer post, indicating the merger

    Article's image
  2. All comments from the original post will be transferred to the new post.

    Article's image
  3. Vote counts associated with both posts will be combined and attributed to the new post.

Need more help?

Reach out to our support at [email protected] or submit a request on our support board! 😃

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